Music Ministry at Cannon

The music ministry of Cannon serves to lead and enhance worship.
With a variety of ensembles and opportunities for musicians of all levels,
all are welcome to join in making a joyful noise for the glory of God.

The Worship Choir

This is our adult choir and provides musical leadership for the 11:00 am worship service each week. This choir rehearses every Wednesday during the program year from 7:00-8:15pm. Any and all are welcome!

The Praise Band

Consists of a rotation of singers, guitar players, bass players, drummers, keyboardists, and other various instruments. They rehearse in the Sanctuary on Thursday evenings from 7:30-9 pm.

The Orchestra

This ensemble consists of instrumentalists of all levels. We rehearse weekly on Thursdays at 6:30 in the Sanctuary. We provide in-service music one Sunday a month, and play multiple times during Christmas and Easter. We’d love to have you join us!

The Halo Handbell Choir

This ensemble consists or ringers of all levels. We rehearse weekly on Wednesdays at 6pm in the choir room and play seasonally, playing more during Christmas and Lent/Easter. No experience is needed to join! If you can count, you can play!

If you are interested in becoming involved in any of these ensembles,
please contact Joseph Brewer, Minister of Music.